Saturday, August 11, 2007

Incredible brain

This program really made me amazing at fantastic abilities of our brain. The example of incredible brain is Daniel from England. He has 3 magic abitlities: solving mathematic problem, sequence memory and language learing. For instance, he can read 22514 digits of number Pi, or remember the places of 26 chessmen in 5 minutes and especially learn a new language in 1 week. However, he is not unique because there are some special people like a man can remember everything he read. Although we have developed technology and science, we just know a little about ourselves, especially human brain. It is more complicated than what we can imagine. If we can know how a brain works and explain this mystery about Daniel's situation, it will be the revolution and makes human civilization go far.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Forgive or not

Summary: According to the chapter 11, American's law for juvenile is considered as strictest law in the world. It doesn't give teenagers any hope. However, it can't decline the rate of teenagers' crime because from 1992 to the present, the number of juveniles as inmitates without parole increase 5 times, from 400 to 2000. For this reason, in 2006, Human Right Committee ask the US explain about that. Prisoners' relatives are very sad and ask forgiveness for them. The prisoners also feel stressed and there is no reason to live. Therefore, some of them prepare an appeal while others have exhauted all his appeals.
Response:I agree that they have to be punished after all they did, but we should give them a hope, forgiveness. I don't know why they can't get life with parole. When they do crime, they were just teenagers, so they didn't realize seriously all sides of what they did. Besides, they had a motivation to do that. They endured physical and mental abuse without protection, so killing may be the only way to defense themselves. If they are released, there are no reason for them to kill someone. Otherwise, they are also human with thinking and feeling, facing walls of jail for many years without parole is a terrible punishment, especially when they went to jal, they were very young and they had a future forward but now it is collapsed. Some of them confessed they don't have reason to live. Punishment like that can't make victims alive and keeping them in jail strictly for many years is fruitless. Forcing them go to jail is not a good solution because the rate of crime caused by juveniles contiune increasing. I think American society has reponsibilty for this problem. Education and socialize doesn't work effectively to help teenagers to understand moral lesson. Not just for killing, America is dangerous and I am afraid of going out at night while in country, it is safe.