Friday, November 2, 2007

The outline

Topic: Amnesty for illegal immigrants in America.


I) Introduction:
Thesis statement: Although illegal immigrants make a high pressure on the health system in the USA, the government should give them amnesty because they now actually become an essential element which contributes to the growth of America economy and amnesty is a good chance for them to survive and feed their families in their homeland.

II) Body:
Para 1:
Topic sentence: The health system in America is considered as negative point, and it becomes worse under the effects of illegal immigrants such as Medical aid for anchor babies and free treatment for people without insurance in emergency situation.
Major details: Anchor babies who are born by illegal immigrant parents receive many benefit program.
It causes hospital bankruptcies
Emergency patients receive treatment until discharge whether they have or don’t have insurance in some hospitals.
The definition of emergency is not clear.
Para 2:
Topic sentence: On the other hand, they play an important role in America economy as cheap labor force and source of money from tax they pay.
Major details: labor in agriculture industry or factories
Fill low wage job which Americans refuse to do
Make American products more competitive in global market.
Para 3:
Topic sentence: In addition, the simple desire to help their family in homeland is a motivation to allow them to live in America.
Major details: the risks they take to migrate America.
Living condition in America is better than South America or Africa.

III) Conclusion:
Restatement of thesis: Overall, many benefits which illegal immigrants create for America economy and their pure basic need to feed their family are strong enough for America lawmakers give them a chance to live in this country despite of their negative impact on health system.