Friday, November 2, 2007

The outline

Topic: Amnesty for illegal immigrants in America.


I) Introduction:
Thesis statement: Although illegal immigrants make a high pressure on the health system in the USA, the government should give them amnesty because they now actually become an essential element which contributes to the growth of America economy and amnesty is a good chance for them to survive and feed their families in their homeland.

II) Body:
Para 1:
Topic sentence: The health system in America is considered as negative point, and it becomes worse under the effects of illegal immigrants such as Medical aid for anchor babies and free treatment for people without insurance in emergency situation.
Major details: Anchor babies who are born by illegal immigrant parents receive many benefit program.
It causes hospital bankruptcies
Emergency patients receive treatment until discharge whether they have or don’t have insurance in some hospitals.
The definition of emergency is not clear.
Para 2:
Topic sentence: On the other hand, they play an important role in America economy as cheap labor force and source of money from tax they pay.
Major details: labor in agriculture industry or factories
Fill low wage job which Americans refuse to do
Make American products more competitive in global market.
Para 3:
Topic sentence: In addition, the simple desire to help their family in homeland is a motivation to allow them to live in America.
Major details: the risks they take to migrate America.
Living condition in America is better than South America or Africa.

III) Conclusion:
Restatement of thesis: Overall, many benefits which illegal immigrants create for America economy and their pure basic need to feed their family are strong enough for America lawmakers give them a chance to live in this country despite of their negative impact on health system.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

my topic argument

My topic: Ban smoking in public place.
Ban smoking is actual a problem in the world. Many countries in Europe have a law to ban smoking for many years while in some countries in Asia it is still legal. In my opinion, the goverments should ban smoking in public place.
Pro: passive smoking
tobacco include 4000 chemicals with hundreds poisons.
medical cost and kill more people than AIDS, drugs
consuming break time at work
Con: feel good and more relaxed.
someone think smoking make them look older and mature.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


1. The Antarctic has important role in regulating the weather on the Earth because of the mix of the cold flows around it and warm water. However, human has made this controlling system in danger.

2. The twenties is considered as the decade of big change in America culture. For example, jazz replaced classical music and the flapper appeared in the first time. Also, police did nothing to curb crime.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Incredible brain

This program really made me amazing at fantastic abilities of our brain. The example of incredible brain is Daniel from England. He has 3 magic abitlities: solving mathematic problem, sequence memory and language learing. For instance, he can read 22514 digits of number Pi, or remember the places of 26 chessmen in 5 minutes and especially learn a new language in 1 week. However, he is not unique because there are some special people like a man can remember everything he read. Although we have developed technology and science, we just know a little about ourselves, especially human brain. It is more complicated than what we can imagine. If we can know how a brain works and explain this mystery about Daniel's situation, it will be the revolution and makes human civilization go far.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Forgive or not

Summary: According to the chapter 11, American's law for juvenile is considered as strictest law in the world. It doesn't give teenagers any hope. However, it can't decline the rate of teenagers' crime because from 1992 to the present, the number of juveniles as inmitates without parole increase 5 times, from 400 to 2000. For this reason, in 2006, Human Right Committee ask the US explain about that. Prisoners' relatives are very sad and ask forgiveness for them. The prisoners also feel stressed and there is no reason to live. Therefore, some of them prepare an appeal while others have exhauted all his appeals.
Response:I agree that they have to be punished after all they did, but we should give them a hope, forgiveness. I don't know why they can't get life with parole. When they do crime, they were just teenagers, so they didn't realize seriously all sides of what they did. Besides, they had a motivation to do that. They endured physical and mental abuse without protection, so killing may be the only way to defense themselves. If they are released, there are no reason for them to kill someone. Otherwise, they are also human with thinking and feeling, facing walls of jail for many years without parole is a terrible punishment, especially when they went to jal, they were very young and they had a future forward but now it is collapsed. Some of them confessed they don't have reason to live. Punishment like that can't make victims alive and keeping them in jail strictly for many years is fruitless. Forcing them go to jail is not a good solution because the rate of crime caused by juveniles contiune increasing. I think American society has reponsibilty for this problem. Education and socialize doesn't work effectively to help teenagers to understand moral lesson. Not just for killing, America is dangerous and I am afraid of going out at night while in country, it is safe.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


This presentation was told by Neil Degrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist. Firstly, he gave us a little of background information about asteroids. In solar system,the sun in centre and some planets like the Earth, Mars or Venus move in different orbits around it. However, there are many debris of all size from pea, car, home to even a mountain between the planets. They can move with a speed about 30000 to 40000 miles per hour. When they go through the Earth's atmosphere, small objects might be burnt before hitting the ground and become shooting star while bigger ones keep coming and explode on the Earth with frightened damage. An typical example is a rock of Mount Everet hit the ground and extinct dinosaurs 65 millions ago.

Now, the history may be repeat by an asteroid which is as wide as Rose Bowl, a football pitch in 2036. The maximum probalitity was about 1 out of 37. On Friday 13th 2029, it will come by close to the Earth. It will be about 10 times closer to us than the Moon is. 7 years later, it will hit the Earth and spread energy of 100 nuclear bombs at the same time. It can fall into Southern California or Pacific Ocean and make a stunami which is high 50 feet, so what is a solution? According to the scientists, the way we see in a movie is bad because this asteroid will be shattered into a lot of debirs and we don't know what is going to happen. A simply way the scientists mentioned is to slow it down or speed it up so that it would misss the Earth. Another solution is that we launch a spaceship fly ahead of the rock and use its gravity to change the asteroid's orbit. However, the concern of the scientist is not only this rock but also more 4000 other asteroid near the Earth as well as more thousands we have not discovered yet.
Response: After watching this video, I had a mix of different kinds of feeling. First of all, it is an interest because of the information about our solar system and especially about asteroid in this presentation. Most this knowledge I never knew before.It made me so surprised. Also, it stirred the curiousness in my mind. I thought our universe has full of mysteries like asteroids, galaxy, black holes which I would like to discover. On the other hand, there is sadness because I felt that the Earth and human are really tiny in this immense universe and the life is so short. We are alone in the darkness of the universe. It made me think about the meaning of my life and what I should do.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Poverty in the United States

This report give us a general view of povery in the US:

The offical povery rate in 2005 was 12.6% with 37 millions people.
Povery rate for black was 24,9% and Hispanic was 21.8%.
The povery rate in 2005 for children under 18(17.6%), from 18 to 64 years old(11.1%) and over 64(10.1%).
The poverty rate for non-Hispanic whites was lower than other racial groups with 8.3% and accounted for43.9% of people in poverty.
Among Asians, 11.1% were in poverty in 2005.
Among Hispanics, povery rate was 21.8% and9.4 million in 2005.
Of related children under 6 living with single parent in poverty was 52.9%, over 5 times the rate of married couple family.
In poverty, 87.8% was native, 4.7% citizen borned in a foreign country and7.4% were not citizens.
The poverty rate for Northeast was 11.3% and Midwest was 11.4% while the South was 14% in 2005.
The poverty rate among people lived in suburban areas was 9.3% and in urban areas was17%.
People 16 and older who worked had a lower poverty rate than those who are unemployed(6% compared with 21.8%).
For married couple families, poverty rate was 5.1% and number was 2.9 million in 2005
Income to poverty ration with 3 ranges: below 50% of poverty, below 100% of poverty and below 125% of poverty.
The income deficit for families in poverty averaged $ 8,125 in 2005. The $ 5,189deficit for women was lower than $5,605 for men.

Respone:This report just gave data in poverty without causes. However, it give us a chance to know a little about poor state in the US. It showed that the rate of poverty in America is high, though the US is the most powerful ecomical country in the world. It is not a paradise like many people misunderstand.

Note: Cite from " Income, poverty and healthy insurance coverage in the United States: 2005"

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Hi everybody, my name is Hai, and I am from Vietnam which is a small country in South East Asia, but I am proud of its long historic culture and many splendid landscape. With warm invitation, I welcome all of you to my country in near future. My hobbies is travelling and reading books because I like to discover different cultures and sightseeings. Therefore I am glad to see my classmates who are from many countries in the world. It is a chance for me to know more about other cultures. I wish this class was the begin of the good, long friendship between us. Through your blogs, I hope we know each other better. Actually it is my second blog with same instructor-Gail, so I have more experience to set up it. If you don't feel comfortable of writing an entry, please try it because it is very good for you. After ten weeks writing my blog in AW4, my skill was improved and so will you. I see studying in summer quarter is really overwhelming, so could we do collarborate learning in order to pass it. And Gail, thanks for helping me improving my writing in last quarter, please help me again in this quarter.
this was my class in spring quarter. Do you see me and Gail?